I am a phras-a-holic. Seriously, I am bad about picking some random saying and stashing it in my head to use years and years from now. I often don't realize I am doing it. If I've ever ripped off a phrase of yours, here is your credit- minus the formal APA format.
*whatthecrapever*- to my knowledge I made this one up all by myself. If I ripped you off with this one, please let me know because I truly believe I made it up myself.
*sad day for you*- clearly this one came from Tresher. I heard her use it on a kid a couple years ago and it's been mine ever since. I probably say this at least once a day.
*multiple*- I got this from
Erin. I never used to use "multiple" as an adjective but now it seems to be my adjective for mulitple situations.
*hippy chick*- I don't know where I got this but I've had it a loooonnng time.
*working up a mad*- That's another teacher saying. I got it from
*that's right*- I got this from my hair stylist. I use it to make you feel better. For example, you say, " I know I shouldn't eat this but it's just one huge box of cookies..." I will respond, "that's riiiight" to make you feel good. Listen for it...I use it without realizing it.
*a hot mess*- This I got from
Ashley but I've heard other southerners say it. Apparently it means that you look horrible.
*Freaking A*- Believe it or not this one came from Brad. I know it isn't very nice but he says it. Alot.
*Tresher also taught me another one that isn't very polite and I don't use it...although I think it often times and wish I could.
I think that's it....any phrases you've learned from me?