Dec 10, 2008

The Tween Artist

Behind that door is the room of my lovely tween artist who has entered the phase of door decoration. There are undoubtedly various papers, markers, and a zillion glittery thingys covering her floor. She is quite talented. I think her stained glass name is pretty awesome. To bad she doesn't have a passion for cleaning up too. But no...just for creating. sigh. The mess is horrendous but look at that beautiful door.

It's not such a bad trade.


Ashley B said...

She is very much the artist-- I have a door like that to downstairs-- but I did it myself with Payten's art work :)!!!
GREAT JOB MAY MAY!!! You are so talented!!

WV Girl said...

Kylie has a similar door to Maci's. Only more to come, I'm sure. I have been so out of touch with the rest of the world lately. Great entries you've had lately.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I know that well. Mine are both big on creating. They pull things out of our recycle bin and turn them into "art" all the time. :op