Nov 7, 2008

Just Being Obedient

I was recently vaccuuming- and when I say recent I mean about 10 minutes ago- I plugged in the vaccuum, leaned the handle back, turned the machine on, and went through the forward/ backward motion on the carpet. After a sweep or two I realized something was wrong. The vaccuum wasn't picking anything up. A glance down told me the problem- my hose wasn't connected to the source. Wow. This was one of those immediate pictures that I just "got." I also knew I was to get this picture out in cyberspace right away. Here is the picture as best I can descibe it...

I think someone is out there praying for something. You are praying your little heart out yet nothing is happening. You don't understand why because you are following the "recipe" as best as you remember... It's time to glance down. Glance to your heart. Make sure you are plugged into the source. Going through the motions simply is not enough. Praying is not enough. You need to have the relationship. You must be praying not just to "the" Father but to "your Father."

Make "the Father" your Father.


WV Girl said...

Amen. I think sometimes we forget the best thing around isn't something visible.

Rebecca said...

It is amazing how messages come into your life when you need them. Great blog!