Nov 14, 2008

Let the Ladies In

If the old saying about Ladybugs bringing luck is true then we should be the luckiest people around right now. At any given time I can look up and count 3-5 ladybugs on our kitchen window or ceiling. What is up with that?

I remember when we were moving in we found ladybugs here and there in the house and I thought...well...thats better than any other kind of "bug" I can think of...but still...

So every fall we welcome the ladies in, although I still don't really know why. For any native Charlotteans that think ladybugs in the house are just a normal part of fall...they aren't.
I've seen more ladybugs in my 3 falls here in NC than my 30ish years in Oklahoma!


Ashley B said...

We don't ever get lady bugs in our house-- is that bad for us? I like lady bugs so I would be okay with them in our house-- but they must not like it:(

Anonymous said...

They are just hibernating!!! (I did a little research)

WV Girl said...

We were bombarded with ladybugs the weekend before last. One even landed on Spencer's cheek. I have a friend that has a sentimental reason for liking them. One landed on her during her grandfather's funeral. When her small son asked her why that happened she told him it was grandpa. Now anytime one lands nearby or on them she and her family know it's grandpa stopping by to say "hello."

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not totally sure about the reason for them there in S.C., but I can tell you why we have had SO MANY of them this fall here in S.D. - They were brought from Asia by the farmers many years ago to eat the aphids. I have NEVER seen that many in my life either! LOL.


Anonymous said...

My kids would flip! :o) We don't get ladybugs unless we buy them at the store in the big mesh bag. :op