Oct 28, 2008

Tales from Kindergarten

If you are offended easily- skip this entry. It's just too funny not to post. Tresher came in my room giggling like a little girl this afternoon. It was that evil giggle that I knew meant she had a good story. She did. Here is the jist of it-

Tresher always gives her kids a pack of Smarties candy when they bring back their homework. Today one little man lost his and came up to Tresher all frantic telling her that he wanted his Retards back! :) Smarties....Retards...close enough.

These are the kind of stories we really need to have published.


Ashley B said...

That's awesome--maybe you add this to the list of things you learned in Kindegarten :)

Anonymous said...

We could write a book couldn't we?
Gotta love it!
Guess who !