Nov 16, 2007

Still Reading

Rosie Book Update-

I'm halfway through Celebrity Detox. I just haven't felt great the last several days so by the time I go to bed the last thing I want to do is try to get into a book. Maybe I will finish it over Tgiving Break.

So far it has been really funny in parts and other parts make no sense...much like Rosie. I've had people not understanding why I would want to read her book. Let me try to explain- First of all, I am loyal. I am loyal to a fault sometimes. I loved her back in the day when everyone loved her and I refuse to turn my back on her now just because she is no longer viewed as "the queen of nice." I'm not saying I agree with her all the time. I'm not even saying I think she makes sense all the time. I'm just saying I adore her. I wish I could hang out with her and get into her circle and be able to speak into her life. She needs someone to speak into her life...someone that hasn't had to go through this celebrity detox process.

Let me say it this way- For whatever reason I have a real "heart" for her. There. When you say you have a "heart" for something it makes it all better in the church world. So call it a heart, call it a freaky obsession, call it whatever you want. I adore her.


Ashley B said...

Wheww--- feel better now :)

Erin said...

Well, Bless your Rosie-lovin' heart :)