Nov 10, 2007

Bless Their Hearts

Probably the most popular saying here in the Carolinas is "Bless your heart" and it can pretty much mean anything from "I feel for them" to "what a sicko!" For example, it would be perfectly acceptable to hear "bless your heart" in response to:

*Little Ms. Soandso is still sick...yes...she hasn't been able to go to church in 3 weeks...
Bless her heart.

*That old man is mean as the wonder he is in jail.
Bless his heart.

*Those kids are running smack wild around here...I think they need a busting.
Bless their hearts.

*So that's all the gossip I have about that family...can't you believe it?
Bless their hearts.

It's taken a little time but "bless their hearts" has now become a part of my auto responses too. All you mid westerners (thats what Carolianians call people from Oklahoma) should give it a try. Be sure to tilt your head slightly and follow it up with a little smile and nod.

1 comment:

Ashley B said...

I hope your throat is feeling better-- Bless your heart-- Hey at Bunko on Friday if Judy O is there ask her to tell you her "Bless your little Heart" joke