Nov 13, 2007

Just some good clean fun

This is one of those stories that may not be as funny when it is retold but I will try... My friend Ashley has one of those bluetooth deals. You know the things you put in your ear so you can be on your cell phone? I've always make fun of it. I don't know why, I just find it amusing.

Anyway, the other day she and I were on our cell phones talking about nothing as we frequently do. She asked me to hold on a second while she went in to the dry cleaners. Now, this dry cleaners happens to be in our neighborhood and is ran by a very sweet little lady- with limited English. Ashley is one of her regulars.

So Ashley walks in all smiley (she's just like that...all smiley...) and the little dry cleaner lady had no idea she was on the phone becuase she had that thing in her ear. I waited patiently. I had the idea and I really tried to control myself. I tried and tried. I couldn't resist. Just as she started trying to explain to the dry cleaners lady about the alterations she needed, I began talking in her ear. Yes, I know it was silly and possibly a little bit middle school meanish but it was so funny. I talked about how this was like the news people- how they have to keep on talking pretending they don't have voices speaking in their ears. I talked about how I knew she wanted to laugh. I talked about how I was laughing. The more she would struggle to stay focused the more I would chatter. I'm giggling now just thinking about it. The best part is when Ashely was trying to give her phone number to the lady and I chimed in with my own random numbers. I could hear the dry cleaner lady saying, "what? 8? what?" The more I laughed the harder Ashley fought for her concentration. Oh my gosh. It was awesome...a little bit evil...but mostly awesome.

Now don't you worry about ol Ashley. She'll get me back....she's smiley but she's tricky...I know it's coming.

1 comment:

Ashley B said...

It made me laugh again-- and oh yes you are right-- smiley yet tricky--