Jul 20, 2007

What I want...What I really really want..

I promise I just came downstairs to let Spicy out. I had every intention to go right back upstairs and take a shower before the kids got up. You see I have to wash my hair everyday. Without exception. The washing part doesn't bother me but I hate, hate, HATE to dry my hair. I've been told I have enough hair for 3 women. Not only do I have a ton of it, but it is thick and has a wave to it that I have to blow dry straight. Yuck. It seems to be much easier to bare if I am still half asleep through the process. I've dreamed of having someone to do my hair everyday. Seriously, it's always been #1 on my list of "if I could afford it I would..." dreams. I would pay well too. I want someone to be on call 24/7 to stop in and do the whole blow dry/style thing for me. I don't care if it is a man, woman, or a gay man...although the men that have cut my hair in the past are not gay! NOT gay! I wouldn't mind a gay hairstylist if he was good at hair but my guys have not been gay! I always felt the need to add that in converstations. They'd go something like this-

"Who does your hair?"
"Eric at Chic Salon- he's not gay."
"Yeah right."
"No really- he's not gay. Some guys there are gay but he's not. For real."

I've also found that male hairstylists are usually really good. Maybe because they would have to really like what they do to take the heat for it. My 'non gay stylist' Eric is in Tulsa though. Here I go to a female. So now when questioned about where I get my hair cut I don't feel compelled to add, "she's not gay." But I do always add-"she's a sweet little Southern girl!"
How did I get off on this??? Anyway...that's what I want. A hair stylist. To come here. Everyday.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that one! I'd like someone to find the perfect products that would make my ringlets stand out and give me that Melina Kanakaredes type perfect curls with no frizz. I'm not supposed to wash mine everyday (creates frizz and breakage), but the 2nd day hair is not nearly as "controled" as the 1st, PLUS I have all these little baby hairs across the front of my hairline and they stick up ALL OVER THE PLACE. Geez...I'm a mess! :op My "if I could afford it I would..." is to have the lazer hair removal done so I never have to shave again! :o) Oh, and my hairstylist is a woman (who makes me nuts, but she does such a good job). Last time I went to a male (also not gay ;o)), he did not know how to cut curly hair and ended up giving me a horrific layered cut 2 weeks before my wedding! (This is supposed to be YOUR blog, huh?) LOL

Anonymous said...

Shoot...have to correct my spelling..."controlled" :op

Erin said...

Me too! Blow drying makes my arms tired, it's a shame to be that lazy.