Jul 24, 2007

Don't Read This Over Breakfast...

I just came out of "surgery." That's what we call if when I pack Brad's incision site...this mornings surgery also involved some prodding and swabbing that I hadn't counted on. I told you not to read this blog over breakfast!

Is it getting better? Does it look normal? How am I supposed to know? I guess it looks ok but teaching Kindgergarten is a far cry from nursing school. I've been telling these people that I am not qualified for this job. The surgeon checked him out again yesterday and said it's doing well and I'm doing it right. That made me feel better for about 12 hours and then it was time for me to do it again. I can't believe they let a person walk around with a gaping hole in his side and trust a relative stranger with no medical training to "pack it" twice daily in order to prevent FURTHER infection. Hello? Does this sound insane to anyone else?

1 comment:

Erin said...

One day you're refusing to look at the incision, the next day, you're sticking "stuff" inside it. Who knows what you'll be doing next week...ewwww.