Sep 1, 2007

Sleepy Saturday

At least it should be a sleepy Saturday. I woke up at 7:15- wide awake. That just never happens. The day is chalked full of events- most of which include Andy in a "No! I don't want to. Don't put me in that buggy" buggy. I have gotten to catch up on my blog reading this morning. This weeks goal is to catch up on blog writing. Topics I plan to cover-

*Just for Tresher- the recipe she keeps asking for

*The importance of over the top organization and why it should not be considered controlling or anal!

*One of those ABC blogs that Carpool Mom is doing

*A few giggles from the first week of kindergartners- that don't violate confidentiality laws of course!

*Maybe another "corner" installment...I was thinking of a "corner of the classroom" this time though.

All of this is tentative though based on the hope that I come home from school each day left with the capability of forming a coherent sentence.

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