Sep 8, 2007

Organization-Its a Good Thing

See those kids above? They are 2/3 of the reason we have to be a little freakish about organization here in Juggleville. Let me start with this disclaimer. I do not claim to have it all together. Not by a long shot. These little tricks are things I have picked up along the way just to ease some of the craziness. Especially the morning craziness.

Here is my favorite. When I get home from the grocery store (or Aldi!) I put away groceries and then get out one of my very favorite things- ziploc bags. Right then and there I divide up the weeks snacks and lunch box items into handy serving size baggies. This aids in the morning rush because the kids can make their own lunch without much hassle. It aids in portion control as well. Not that I am counting calories with the kiddos but without portion control an entire bag of Oreos would be gone in 1.3 days. That's not good on the hips or the checkbook.

Second on the list is the "fabulous clothes for the week organizers." Both Maci and Aaron use these now. On Sunday they put together their outfits for the entire week. Down to the socks and/or accessories. The beauty of this little trick is self explanatory.

Thirdly is the agenda rule. The kids need to have their agenda signed every day. I don't like having it shoved in my face the second I walk in the door and I flat out refuse to sign it the next morning at school. The solution? All agendas, notes, Tuesday folders, and homework papers that I need to see go in the basket on the desk. Sometime during the evening I will go through the basket and add my John Hancock in the appropriate places. The next morning the kids know right where to retrieve their items and all is well in the world.

Again, drop in any morning at 6:45 (yes that is the ungodly hour we have to leave this house) and you will most likely still see us rushing around trying to get everything put together and out the door. We aren't the Cleaver family. But because of a little organization, we aren't the Bundy's either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are my hero.