Brad and I will not be winning the parents of the year award this year. We were in the running I think...until that fateful evening last weekend when Andy was being "Spiderman" and running around the kitchen. He fell down and hurt his little arm. He cried quite a bit but it didn't swell, he could move it, and he was comforted with his thumb, bear, and some lovins. We were golden. I actually remember thinking, "whew, that was close- I really didn't want to go to ther ER THREE weekends in a row." Seriously. There must be a limit.

The next day he was favoring it some but overall seemed to be doing fine. Days passed. He was the same wild and active child he always is...unless he would happen to hit that arm wrong. We debated over taking him in on several occassions but the conversation kept hinging on the fact that it wasn't swollen and he could move it fine. Take note, those are 2 symptoms that may or may NOT be present with a broken/fractured arm.
Today after a trip to the peds office, the hospital, and then the orthopedics office Andy is wearing a "Spiderman Web Shooter" also known as "the cast that will be on for 2 weeks (followed by 2 weeks in a splint) while his fractured little arm heals!"

Losers. Losers. Losers. Yep, I'm quite sure we won't even receive a nomination this year for that parenting award. Would the winner please contact us? We would like to attend a seminar, get some pointers, and possibly have you move in for awhile.
The good news is my Andy is adorable in his Spiderman Web Shooting Cast....and he can still get to the ever important thumby. The tech asked if we wanted his thumb wrapped too so he could break that habit. NO WAY! We may be bad parents but we are not heartless!!!

Poor thing - and poor you! I hate those "do we or don't we" decisions, they always stink. Hope all of you feel better this weekend!
Oh no! Good thing kids bounce back fast. I've definitely got those "we're on the bad parents list" stories.
Don't worry I won't be winning a parenting award either, always having to call the police when Jed comes up "missing in action".
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