Aug 17, 2007

MySpace for YourSpace

Through a chain of events I have now found many of our "kids" from back in the day on MySpace. However, being the smart kids they are- they have their pages set to private so I have to be listed as a friend to get to see it. I really want to see them but I don't do the whole MySpace thing. Sooooo...Julia hooked me up with a decent looking decoy page so I can pretend to do MySpace in order to see their spaces! Make sense?

The crazy thing is these kids aren't kids anymore. Some are married, all have graduated, and somewhere along the way they grew up. Brad was a bivocational youth pastor for 7 years- that's a long time to spend with those kiddos. They were always at our house, which we loved. They loved how Brad liked the music as loud as they did. They would leave their shoes at the door and kept the water balloons outside. Good kids I'm telling you. That time in our life seems like yesterday and like a million years ago. All at once. We had lock-ins, Windermere, SDC, YEC, SNAC, Six Flags trips...Six Flags trips where we didn't even get to go to Six Flags. It was a wild ride. We learned alot from them and I hope they learned a little something from us too.

So I'll gladly fake the myspace deal to get a glimpse into their grown up lives. If they happen to find my "real space" here and read about themselves- we love you guys! Everyone that signed that wall also signed our hearts. And if any of you ever took a picture of the wall....send a copy my way!!!!

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