Oct 2, 2007

Revelation- Too Late

If I've talked to you in the last 24 hours, skip this post because you have already heard it.

I have hideous heartburn. Daily. 150 mg of Zantac or generic Zantac takes care of it but man when I run out- it is not pretty. Last night was one of those nights. With no other option (besides a midnight run to WalMart that I just refused) I sucked down Tums. Tums are like Taco Bell...seems to go down alright at first but later makes you feel sick as a dog. So today and tonight...sick as a dog. Yuck.

What's the revelation? The non stop morning sickness I had with all 3 babies had to be at least 60% Tums sickness. DUH! Why am I so slow in recognizing these trends? I lived on Tums during pregnancy- thus the constant need to hurl. I personally will never test this theory but still it's good to figure out. Even if it is 10 years too late.


Kelly H. said...

I can't stand heartburn-I had it bad with all my pregnancies! I'm sorry you have to deal with it. I never got to talk with you tonight, and I really wanted to! I didn't see you sneak out...hope all is well!

Ashley B said...

YUCKY-- had this with both my pregnancies-- said they baby is Hairy if you had heartburn, I use to say mine were coming out as monkeys if that were the case-- my heart was on fire