Aug 4, 2012

The Whole Chicken Thing

I'm a bit more censored on Facebook than on my blog. Shocking I know.  But this is totally my space to say whatever comes to mind and know nobody really reads it anyway.  So. Here are the thoughts I won't put on Facebook...not today anyway. 

*I don't care who marries who. Sorry Baptist friends. I really don't think that is worth fighting over. I do however care that people try to tell me where I should and shouldn't eat my chicken. I'll eat my chicken wherever I choose to do so. 
*I think ALL business owners have a right to voice their opinions. Even if they aren't popular.  If I feel strongly enough about them to boycott their establishment based on them, then I will but that is MY choice. Only mine. I'll be danged if any government or church is going to tell me I have to protest this or that based on this or that. In fact, if you tell me to protest it- you can bet I'll probably be there the next day just to show you how I feel about that. Take your marbles and go home now. 
*The above goes for both the left and the right wing. I have my own moral compass and it isn't swayed by party lines. 
*How dare people who preach tolerance become so intolerant of differing opinions. That's ironic, don't you think?
*Now I think I'll go by Starbucks first and then Chic-fil-a. Wow. I'm such a rebel to both parties. Or maybe I just like good coffee with my rockin chicken?

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