Jul 21, 2012

Missing AirBear

This is going to be a gushy post. If you don't like reading about how awesome other people's kids are then you might as well just X out here right now.  Go on.

For those of you that stayed, you must love my kids too. They are pretty great, aren't they?  Well this gushing is about Aaron, also known as AirBear.  He spent the night with a friend last night and then went with them to the lake today. Anyone that knows me understands how hard it was for me to let him go. I like to keep my chicks pretty close to the nest. Sleepovers are cool but the lake...that really pushed my comfort zone. Brad forced urged me to let him go and I do trust this family and knew they would be just as cautious as I am (if that is possible).

It's been a long 27 hours.  As I type this I'm waiting for him to walk in the door.  Because he is such a good boy I think he'll even let me hug on him and ask a million questions and maybe even watch some TVLand with me as he drifts off to sleep.  Aaron is one of the most considerate, compassionate, generous kids I have ever known.  He is smart (like super- we have no idea where it came from- smart) and really funny too. He has the best sense of humor. I think back to when the kids really were babies and that was a good place but right now, even with Maci and Aaron being in these teen years, we are really enjoying hanging out with them.  They have this maturity about them. They make us proud.  It's not only an honor-- but a joy to be their mom.

While I've been missing him today I have been listening to a little Scotty McCreery...yeah, he reminds me of my Aaron...and I can so see this story unfolding in a few years....

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