I saw this on my facebook page and had forgotten I had done it...I just wanted to kinda keep it so I'm going to "save it" here on the blog. (so #26 could be that I am quite forgetful and #27 could be that I am also quite sentimental.)
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you
1- I've been tagged by Mark, Tammy, Julia, and Ashley for this so I feel obligated now. Why does this sort of thing make me feel obligated?
2- I love summer.
3- I love the beach in the summer. I love seeing Brad and the kids loving the beach. Everyone is just content there.
4- I am not so fond of January or February. Or October. (great...October is back again...)
5- I have a complex about having to do things myself- if I want it done right, I have to do it myself type thing. Not so great.
6- Little things matter to me.
7- Brad's favorite number is 7. He always has the kids pick a number between 1 & 10. It is always 7. Andy hasn't figured this out yet so he always loses.
8- 8 is my favortie number. I tell my kindergartners that it looks like a snowman that ate his head. Eight- ate- get it???
9- I'd like to spend every fall and winter at Disney and spring and summer at the beach.
10- I am a list maker. I have lists for everything.
11- I like my lists to be neat.
12- I hate those pens that spit on the paper. Yuck. I prefer those smooth felt tips or thin line markers.
13- I like to shop and I love Dillards, Hobby Lobby, and Target most of all.
14- I love living in the South and raising my kids here. It's just different here.
15- I love it when my house is full of family or friends. Wall to wall. Love it.
16- I love spontaneous road trips...that I plan.
17- I am so thankful for my friends here. I've been so blessed.
18- 18 is another favorite number of mine.
19- I'm a bit of a rebel.
20- But I hate it when other people don't follow the rules I am following.
21- I love red. If you are buying me something- get it in red.
22- I love steak, fajitas, and loaded nachos. (not at the same meal!)
23- I wish I knew how to cut hair. I may go to beauty school when I retire, just for the heck of it.
24- I am as loyal as loyal can be. But if you mess with me...you never get my full trust back.
25- I may be a rebel and not tag 25 people...maybe just 10...or maybe 26. That's how much of a rebel I am!
3 days ago