Nov 30, 2008

Heck of a Haul

There may not be such a thing as a free lunch but there is such a thing as a "heck of a haul" at CVS. Ashley and I hit the trail after Thanksgiving dinner to cash in. We came home (2 hours later) with ALL this stuff for $1.88 each! Can you see all that stuff?? Ipod ear buds, remote control, bic soleil razors, Aussie shampoo, Johnsons lotion, lip gloss, etc. etc. etc. It was crazy fun AND just plain crazy! The math was a little tricky. A haul of this magnitude takes some brainpower but then you can reward yourself with a free kitkat and 3 free Gatorades! :)
Now that we are pros (?) I will try to post the tricks of the trade as we get another haul in the weeks to come. In the meantime, go to CVS and sign up for your rewards card. You're going to need it...

Nov 27, 2008


There he is- the guy and his "freaking turkey." When I asked Brad if he put olive oil on the turkey like Paula Deen suggests, he said "no- Paula Deen is the woman. I am just a guy trying to cook a freaking turkey." And what an awesomely fabulous job he did too!

Nov 25, 2008

Words of Wisdom

My fabulous assitant (and she doesn't even know I have a blog so I'm really not just saying that!) showed me this cartoon today and I had to laugh- this is soooo Horner family right now.

I'm telling you B-rad...we mess this up and our turkey days are over.

Nov 22, 2008

I'm Ready for Spring Now Please

What the heck is up with our weather? It's been chilly this week! It's even been windy. I know I have wimpified a bit but's cold. I had to resort to wearing real shoes a couple days last week. Sad day. My flip flops are feeling neglected. Somebody please turn the heat back on the Carolinas. Bless our hearts.

Nov 14, 2008

Let the Ladies In

If the old saying about Ladybugs bringing luck is true then we should be the luckiest people around right now. At any given time I can look up and count 3-5 ladybugs on our kitchen window or ceiling. What is up with that?

I remember when we were moving in we found ladybugs here and there in the house and I thought...well...thats better than any other kind of "bug" I can think of...but still...

So every fall we welcome the ladies in, although I still don't really know why. For any native Charlotteans that think ladybugs in the house are just a normal part of fall...they aren't.
I've seen more ladybugs in my 3 falls here in NC than my 30ish years in Oklahoma!

Nov 9, 2008

Steal of a Deal

Ok blogging friends here is a steal of a deal- First go here and print this coupon multiple times. It is for $1.00 off Kelloggs cereal. Hopefully you also got yesterdays paper...if so there are 2 more $1.00 off coupons in there.

Use those coupons in combination with this week's offers at CVS and/or Walgreens and you will be buying a box of cereal for $1! Actually if you are like me, you will be buying SEVERAL boxes of cereal for $1 each.
Raisin Bran anyone?

Nov 7, 2008

Just Being Obedient

I was recently vaccuuming- and when I say recent I mean about 10 minutes ago- I plugged in the vaccuum, leaned the handle back, turned the machine on, and went through the forward/ backward motion on the carpet. After a sweep or two I realized something was wrong. The vaccuum wasn't picking anything up. A glance down told me the problem- my hose wasn't connected to the source. Wow. This was one of those immediate pictures that I just "got." I also knew I was to get this picture out in cyberspace right away. Here is the picture as best I can descibe it...

I think someone is out there praying for something. You are praying your little heart out yet nothing is happening. You don't understand why because you are following the "recipe" as best as you remember... It's time to glance down. Glance to your heart. Make sure you are plugged into the source. Going through the motions simply is not enough. Praying is not enough. You need to have the relationship. You must be praying not just to "the" Father but to "your Father."

Make "the Father" your Father.

Nov 5, 2008

Hooray- Election Results!

I am so happy with who won *this* election- Maci and Aaron were BOTH elected to the afterschool council! My politician son was very pleased. Maci was so easy going about it I couldn't tell how excited she really was. Aaron has already informed me that he'll need to stay longer in the afternoons now so he can really "know what's going on" in all areas of afterschool. For example, if a game is broken he needs to know about it and to know about it he needs to be there for that center. I assured him that "his people" would let him know all the issues he needs to know. ;) Move over Obama...Aaron is after your job!

Nov 4, 2008

Yes, I Voted

This post is not going to be about my disappointment in this years candidates. It isn't going to be about how I really voted *against* someone rather than voting *for* someone. It isn't even going to be about my dislike for Sarah Palin. (which I inteded to blog about but never got around to it) This post is about how sadly disappointed I was with the voting "machines." All those early bird voters told me about the cool computers. I was psyched because in Oklahoma we were given a card and a Sharpie. This was going to be so way cooler.

Not so much. I was given a piece of paper and told to use the "voting tool" in my booth. Hmm...I was optimistic for some hand held device or something... Not so much. The voting tool is also known as a Bic Round Stic. Much the like one pictured below- except it was black and didn't have a lid. Stinking voting tool. Whatthecrapever. I'd rather have the Sharpie.