Apr 30, 2008

Quick Corner

The flop corner is one of my favorites this time of year. All right, all times of the year. I keep the browns on top, blacks on the next row, and a few randoms mixed in. I can tell you where every pair came from. If they were a gift I can tell you who from and what the occassion was. If I bought them I can tell you when, why, and where. Pretty good for someone memory challenged as I am. Comfort does matter. And no- contrary to popular opinion- I do not have a pair for every outfit. However, I am quite goal oriented and that sounds like a good goal to me.


Anonymous said...

I see your birthday flip flops and the pink ones just like my blue ones! Good luck with your goal.

PS Can't get enough of David Cook!

Ashley B said...

I think the first pair in the top left hand corner are the coolest-- must have been a cool person giving you those--

Anonymous said...

Oh...my...wow.... LOL!

Anonymous said...

I always knew that I liked you, now I have proof as to why--- a fellow shoe lover! We have racks and racks of them in our garage too!