Mar 16, 2010


It's a bit sicky around here. Andy started it Saturday night and Aaron had an encore presentation last night. Why does it always strike at night? This thing seems to come on quickly and I've already warned Maci that sleeping in her loft bed may not be wise for the next few nights.

I remember Kate Gosselin catching flack for haivng her kids sleep on the bathroom floor when they were sick. That is a bit extreme but I did move the extra mattress into our room and put it right up to the bathroom doors for easy access. In fact, Andy was still sleeping in there last night when Aaron came in. No problem, I just pulled his mattress off the frame and moved him in too. I'm loving this big bedroom! This morning looked a bit like an infirmary (spelling?) but it served the purpose. Today everything was washed on the sanitary cycle and the Sprite is flowing. I even got a little Windexing done.

However, no one is in the mood for bbq sandwiches or chicken enchiladas so tonight is a cereal night. But hey, is that really a problem? I think not!

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Oh no! Love to all the sickies and hope they feel better soon!!!