Sep 26, 2008

The Importance of Investing

You know, its all about the laws of investing . Follow me here...It's rainy and kinda cold tonight. I would love to hibernate all weekend long- starting tonight...but...that isn't happening because its QT night (small group). You see QT is a priority in the Horner house. It's a priority because we've made it one. We realize as a couple that relationships are vital to a full life. Therefore, we invest in them. Everyone needs relationships. Many relationships. Work friends, school friends, church friends, casual friends, and most importantly-LIFE friends. Life friends are the ones we share our life with. We depend on them. They depend on us. We bounce ideas around with them. We eat with them. We laugh with them. Sometimes we cry with them. They are the everyday- day to day- can't imagine life without friends. These friendships are intentional. They are ones we value the most. Not all of our life friends are in this QT group but many of them are...and because of that we are happily bundling up, baking some beans, and heading out to QT. We have an investment to make.


Ashley B said...

I like that-- Life friends--and I am so happy to have you in our life- friend circle---

Anonymous said...

I have dreams that I will someday have friends like that. More than a dream... a DESIRE to have friendships like that.

Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

Somehow I knew after reading this title that you probably weren't referring to finances:) A good read & reminder, though.