Jul 20, 2009

Somehow. Someday. Someway.

It is so way late and I so need to go to bed but I've had this "jumbled" in my head since Thursday. I need to get it "on paper" and see if it makes more sense that way.

Somehow. Someday. Someway. I need to be involved in the field of adoption. I don't mean adopt. That's not it. But I need to be in that field. I really wish I'd been an OB. Truly. I love childbirth. I loved loved loved volunteering as a doula at Hilcrest. I miss that. I need to be back in it. I also think I need to be "doulaing" for moms that are giving their babies up for adoption.

I know this doesn't make much sense. It's kinda like when you dream something and it all fits together in your mind but the moment you try to retell the dream to someone else you realize it really didn't make sense.

So...for now...until something else makes sense...I'll just keep on watching Deliver Me and Birth Day and Adoption Story- even MTV's 16 and Pregnant. Did you see it last week? That little 16 year old was so brave as she gave her baby to a lovely family. Her own mother was against it yet she pressed on. She needed some nurturing and it breaks my heart that she didn't appear to get any.

There are more girls out there that have babies they have no business raising. Maybe they just needed some love and nurturing and education to make better choices for thier children. Why aren't we doing anything about this? Why do we allow the cycle to continue? What can I do to make a difference?

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