Jun 15, 2010

The Mud Room

At the "old house" I put all the kids' artwork on the walls of my closet. In the "new house" I'm hanging it all in the laundry room. I think it is adorable.
As a side note, I tried to call this space "the mudroom"- just because I've always wanted a mud room I guess. Also because there is a sink in there and I think that qualifies it as a mudroom. But the name didn't stick. No one else called it "the mudroom." And when I would say something was in the "mudroom" they would always say, "Huh? You mean the laundry room?" So there you have it. Cute art on the wall of the mudroom laundry room.

1 comment:

AM Garrett said...

I need a place to showcase Savanna's *artwork* but I have NO idea what to do with it! Granted, it's mostly stickers on construction paper...but it's so cute. And I want everyone to see them :)