Dec 6, 2009


Much like Epcot's Mission Space, the re-entry into the real world from Disney World can be a bit rough. Because the blog is my version of scrapbooking, I have several posts coming on our trip. I want to cover the dining plan breakdown, things to remember for next time, funniest moments, etc. etc. But for now I just wanted to say we are back and in that "I wish I was still at Disney...but I'm not so I'm going to go through the pictures, passporter, and plan the next trip" funk. Right now I am off to work on our Christmas knew it would be a Disney picture didn't you?? ;)

Thanks Brownies for sharing this magical experience with us!!

1 comment:

Ashley B said...

and thank you for sharing with us--oh and thanks for coordinating-- when you take Miss. Dail's job-- I will be your first client :)