Last night was the Fall Sports Extravaganza at PRMS. I have a feeling the next several years are going to be full of purple and pirates! I'm so proud of Maci. She's 1 of 18 cheerleaders in a class of well over 400 kids. Their practices are intense. They've learned so much and worked so hard - all summer long. What an experience this will be...More pics next week after game 1.
Taken at the beach house before the tea. I am still in the "photo collection process" but I want to post a slide show of both beach trips...maybe this week...unless the sun comes out...if the sun comes out, we are headed to the pool!
We gave in and got Maci a cell phone. I say *gave in* because she has wanted a cell for a couple years and we stood firm with a "no." However with middle school around the corner it became apparent that a cell phone would be beneficial. Tonight was the first "call me when you get there" assignment for her. She did. Sorta. I felt better. Worth the "I am so cool because I have a cell phone" attitude I got when she called.
Now two things I need to work on-
1.Having my cell phone charged and handy so I can receive her calls
2.Getting rid of her "I am so cool because I have a cell phone" attitude.
Short story- Here is my new favorite song. It's going to be released this fall from Uncle Kracker. No, seriously. Love it. Stop the music below and listen.
Long story- We got Maci a cell phone today (actually we got me a new one and she got my old one) so I went to to download a ringtone for when she calls me. After a very long search for just the perfect ringtone, I ran across the song "Smile" by Uncle Kracker. While I do enjoy some of Uncle's music I've never gotten an album so I assumed this was an old song.
I liked the preview so much that I looked it up on I-tunes. Downloaded it. Love it! Tried to find it on to share it with you blog readers but it wasn't there. This really surprised me so I did what anyone still up at 1am would do...I googled it. Turns out this will be Uncle Kracker's brand new single from his not yet released album. The song debuted on I-tunes 4 days ago. So, in essence, I feel as though I just discovered a hit. When you hear it think of me. Think of Maci too. This is the song that plays everytime she calls me.
This is a simple little blog about things that make me smile, cry, laugh, or just think. Just a way for me to think out loud. I rarely spell check and certainly don't try to be politically correct. I'm just honest. Real. Random. Sit back with some sweet tea and take me with a grain of sugar.