Love. Love. Love this worship favorite part starts at 3:23-You make all things work together for my good. I'm going to hang out there for a minute....
"You make all things work together for my good." This is pulled straight from the Word (Romans 8:28) which means we can bank on it. Some people get hung up here on a misunderstanding. This verse does not imply that God puts junk in our lives so He can then make it good. WE put junk in our lives. We do that because of our sinful nature. Still don't believe me? Ask yourself--would YOU make your child sick just so you could give her medicine to make her better? Absolutely not. Then why would we believe a sovereign God would work way?
Let me say it again- WE bring the junk into our lives because of OUR sinful nature. But in God's goodness, He still loves us. He still chooses to take our junk and make it work for our good. Now please know we can't sit in our crap and expect God to make it a bed of roses. He won't. We have to acknowledge the crap, seek forgiveness, and turn from it. Then God WILL restore us. He WILL make ALL things work together for my good. His love never fails. There may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning.
See why that is my new favorite worship song?
Listen and worhsip.
3 days ago