I just spent an hour plus tearing up my hands (and fingernails) trying to thin our monkey grass. During the process I decided it should actually be named "Pain in the A$$ Grass." Brad said that probably wouldn't sell as well.
I've been a little quiet lately. Not in real life...just in blog life. I'm never quiet in real life! I've thought of many things to post but most of it seems trivial after my last post. However, a very very important little guy made his entrance into the world since my last entry. Welcome Cade Matthew!!! Maci and I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks. (and finally kiss those cheeks!)
Jana didn't have the easiest labor dealt to her. Actually, she endured alot of pain, alot of frustration, and a lot of plain ol crap BUT she did a fabulous job and I am so very proud of her. The end result was a healthy momma and a healty baby. Who could ask for more? I gotta say this was one of the very hardest times for me to be 1000 miles away.
School is winding down which means we are CRAZY busy with lit cards, math summatives, DRAs, writing assessments, non negotiable lists, monster spelling tests, and cummulative folders. Here in Union County we believe is assessing, assessing, and then assessing some more. As big of a pain as it is, it is also very rewarding to compare the data. These kiddos have learned sooooo much which means I must have taught them a thing or two. ;) Now it's time to show off with our Kindergarten Celebration. (my favorite day of the year!!!)
I'm still walking around here saying, "I love this house." I don't want that to come out wrong...it's just that truly...I love this house! Typically the new house giddiness wears off after a few weeks but not with this one. Sure we love all the space but I think what I love the most is all the color. If you don't LOVE your house, figure out why and change it. Please don't be afraid of paint...that could be a whole entry in itself....and I think it will be....
Here is the song for the day....must be listened to LOUD...
This is a simple little blog about things that make me smile, cry, laugh, or just think. Just a way for me to think out loud. I rarely spell check and certainly don't try to be politically correct. I'm just honest. Real. Random. Sit back with some sweet tea and take me with a grain of sugar.