Here we are- 2 year anniversary on the "big move to NC." I still have that sense that we just got here and that we've been here forever at the same time. I don't know how that works but it is very similar to how I felt the last time I went back to OK. I felt home yet so far away from home all at the same time. Looking back over the last 2 years here are a few memories that stand out-
*Closing on the house on a Monday morning. Working at the house all day and almost all night to get the painting done before the movers came Tuesday morning. All five of us slept on the floor in the boys bedroom- the excitement was so strong we didn't even notice the absence of beds!
*Getting lost coming home from Concord Mills and ending up in Uptown at 5:00 traffic. We'd only lived here a month, Connie was with me, and being in Uptown was as foreign as being in another country. Due to my nerves, my IBS set in...not good. (I never said these were all cheery memories!)
*Watching the weather and seeing the COAST LINE on the map! Seems surreal. (we only watched the weather for a few weeks until we figured out there is no need)
*Our first day trip to the beach. I think it was late March- the water was still freezing but we were giddy and didn't even care.
*Crying on multiple Sunday afternoons because we'd been to yet another church that was "not it" and missing COTM so much I couldn't breathe.
*That first Sunday at Elevation where we knew we were home. Finally.
*Meeting our NC family in that small group at the Lookers. We had no idea how impactful that group would be on our lives here.
*The feeling of certainty that we had and still have about this move. There have been many uncertainties but moving here was never one of them. And anyone that has spent any time with us has heard us say that we firmly believe there is a greater reason we are here- a reason we still haven't seen unfold.
*Moments too numerous to name that we've spent with friends thinking how fortunate we are to have them in our lives. Friendships are deeper when you are far from family. Friends become family. Let me tell you we have an AWESOME family here!
It's good to be home.
1 week ago
And your friends are so happy you found NC!!!!
And your friends are so happy you found NC!!!!
I don't know how I missed this post last week, I just found it as I scrolled through. Happy Belated Anniversary.
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